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Professional Winnipeg Painters
Do you want to breathe new life into your home or business with a fresh coat of paint and new colors? Our residential and commercial painting team can handle any interior or exterior painting project in Winnipeg and its surrounding area.
We always deliver the best results by leveraging our many years of experience in custom painting jobs and by only using the best quality materials available in the painting market.
When you work with Winnipeg Renovations, you can have the peace of mind that our house painting team keeps a clean working area, indoors and in your home exterior, and won’t leave any mess behind. Contact us today for a free estimate and ask us how you can receive up to 65% off Sherwin-Williams painting materials for your project.
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Happy Customer
We had Winnipeg Renovations come into our home and renovate our bathroom. We found them to be tidy and non-intrusive in our home. Everyone was friendly and respectful. We would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a renovation!
How It Works
Our Process Follows 4 Easy Steps
Schedule Your Estimate
Call or Email to connect with us and set up a time that works best for you to have an in-home estimate completed
Review Your Detailed Estimate
You will receive a detailed estimate outlining the materials, timeline and process we will follow for your project
Experienced Painters
Our team of experienced painters will complete your project and communicate with you on the progress
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Our job is not done until you are completely satisfied with the renovations completed on your home or business
Interested In An Estimate?
Get Started With Your Free Estimate
Special Offer
Interior Painting Up to $750 Off
Special Offer
Kitchen Painting
Up to $450 Off
Special Offer
Bathroom Painting Up to $250 Off
What We Offer
Don't Pay Anything Until the Project Has Begun
We know choosing a painter and the painting process can be stressful. That is why we offer our customers a guarantee that you don't need to pay any large labor deposits to book us or for us to begin working on your project.
Reliable Service
You can count on us to complete your project inside the agreed upon timeline
Detailed Esitmates
We provide a detailed breakdown on your project so there are no surprises
Qualified Team
Our experienced team of painters knows the ins and outs of all things painting
3 Year Warranty
All our painting projects come with a 3 Year Warranty